I apologize for the lack of posting, the girls have achieved a level of activity that has them going, going, going and then BOOM collapsing and sleeping for hours at a time, which has me running breathless to their bedside to check for normal breathing. It's a shame that at this stage in the pregnancy there are so few yoga moves I can do...it looks so calming.

It does get harder, the further you get along - yet - it is so relaxing.
Hope you catching some rest on your trip...
Downward Daddy, eh? Sounds like your trip has been so wonderful and festive.
My son loves to use my bent body as a bridge to drive his trucks under. :)
I love yoga with the family!
*runs by and smacks butts*
.. and ends with a raucous game of Twister! So nice, everybody together.
I was hoping that everyone was neglecting the blogs as much as I was this week. Unfortunately... Google Reader tells me that isn't so. I have so much to catch up on! One day I'll post again. This week has been exhausting!
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