We did it. We survived a cross country flight with two toddlers, a neurotic pregnant woman and a tense traveling husband/dad. Here, in all its photographic detail, the first 24 hours:
iPod, Stickers and mommy-in-the-middle.
Snow angels in Vegas.
What can I say, you can take the kids out of the Adirondacks,
but you can't take the Adirondacks out of the kids.
Inverse discipline with a side of reverse psy-I'm-begging-you-cology.
Thank god for boobs and earphones.
Catching up with sis.
Eating out with family aka playing
keep the knives, water and open flame out of toddlers' hands.
Being grateful not to be on a plane.
Getting to know the "wet" in Pacific Northwet.
Inimitable and irresistible Seattle.
Waking up in a new place, but feeling at home.

glad you all arrived safe and sound. They look exhausted!
Ah, that's a nice way to spend the holidays.
I am so glad you survived the trip and are enjoying yourselves. The last picture, the pink sleeping faces, the quilt...heavenly. Have a Merry Christmas Amanda. Much love to you and your family.
Welcome to my state Amanda.
Have a great visit with family; merry christmas to you all.
oh... those 2 girls sleeping!!! precious!!
Glad you survived the trip there... Hope your time in Seattle is lovely!!
If you can make it with more than one little one cross country, I guess I can too. I am so worried. We fly out on Christmas Eve with our 26 month old. Holy Moly I hope all goes well.
Congrats on making it all in one piece. I hope your holiday is wonderful.
I love that sleeping photo! So so darling!
So glad the traveling went well. Hope you enjoy the time with the family!
Yay for safe travels!
Hope Christmas there is wonderful!
Wishing you and the rest of your Red Sox lovin' clan a Merry Christmas. And a safe flight back East!
Seattle is so great! Hope you have a wonderful vacation and visit with the family.
Glad you arrived safely! Have a very Merry Christmas and enjoy your trip!
happy, happy christmas, sister.
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