Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
Fussy and impossible to please.
Cowlicks fighting valiant attempts at taming from the brush.
Spilled coffee on the floor.
Pulverized crumbs into the floor on top of the earlier spill.
Upended and opened a poopy diaper.
Got into a fight with her shirt untucking it and then batting at it.
Had a really grumpy and combative attitude.
Dissolved into tears 3 or 4 times.
But enough about mom...
Anyone else feel like moving to Australia?
Guess even that is out for me because with my paralyzing fear of flight the damn trip would reduce me to wrapping my arms around myself, rocking to and fro while moaning unintelligible pleas that I not die.

Great post! And I'm tickled with your timing because I actually have in my car the half hour Alexander video to return to the library today! My boyz love the book, and loved the movie even more.
And I've actually been to Australia (hell of a LONG flight to get there though!)so the boyz love to look at my pics of koala bears "sleeping" (meaning, high on eucalyptus).
Hope you have a better day!
Me again. Hope this afternoon has been kinder to you. I tagged you for a meme. Come to my blog and see!
Thanks so much for commenting on Amy's essay: Parenting In Public .
It was validating to her, and it was validating to us as well, to see that we have an active audience that supports our focus.
GNMParents is still a pretty young site, not even six months old. So we really appreciate you taking the time to participate in the community-building that is our Raison d'Être.
Megin and Stu
We quote from this book often! What a fun post!
As you probably know, it's safer to fly than it is to drive to the airport...just a thought. Australia might do you some good!
You have read my post so yeah ... give me 5 minutes to pack :D
No no! That's what Ativan is for! I'm packing now, will meet you in, say, Sydney? Bring just a big hat and a bikini and some flip flops and sunscreen.
Okay. Well, I would like to be that person.
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