Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wistful City

I have loved Chicago, I really have. As far as cities go it is beautiful with soaring buildings and architectural triumphs that delight the eye. The gardens are magnificent and for as large as it is, what I have seen has been clean and inviting. All of that being said, I find myself wishing I was with my family.

The moose, oh how Avery would have squealed.

The mermaid, "like a sea princess" Briar would have gushed.

A street performer in head-to-toe-silver next to larger than life statues? Would have stopped them in their tracks.

The funky mirror thing? Three daughters— mirrors...'nuf said.

And Sean, I find him around every corner, in beautiful signage and umbrellas, in couples holding hands and dads lifting their daughters.

I miss them, I adore them and I thank them for helping me see so much magic in Chicago. I'll be home soon.

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flutter said...


Cristie Ritz King, M. Ed said...

Isn't it true? I wait all year for my trip to Dallas so I can be alone and then all I do while I'm there is wish I could share it with all of them.
Aah motherhood.:)

Heather said...

You'll return home rejuvenated. Hugs!

trampoline design said...

Thanks for working so hard to get back us.

krissy said...

Makes my heart flutter to know exactly what you're feeling. Beautiful pictures!