Sunday, July 05, 2009

On second thought

Found myself getting my overly-sensitive nose bent out of joint over things beyond my control. Again.

Does it amaze anyone else how we fall into self-defeating ruts, whether it's not working out, falling behind on chores or getting sucked into the vortex of giving a rip about who likes you and who takes you back to the meanies in fifth grade? I'm too old for this. I'm a parent, aren't we supposed to be beyond this people?

I have a handle on eating right, at least keeping complete pigstyness at bay and of practicing what I preach, but man alive the relationship dynamics get me.

Morose, blue, self-pitying and impotently pissed, that was me this morning. Gross.

Enter iPhoto, Fin and Sean.


So while I'd really prefer it weren't an issue, I'm going to ignore the clouds some people bring, and focus on the abundance of blue sky in my life.


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Anonymous said...

That sounds like an awesome plan. I hate pissy mornings.

Good for you and your positive outlook.

krissy said...

You're doin' it right. And look at those sweeties you get to wake up to!

Amy said...

Whoever it is you know they're just jealous twits. Kill 'em with kindness. But I know it sucks and it's hard, I suffer the same ailment.

BetteJo said...

Sad thing is - I at least, take it out on the ones I love most. Well, the grownups. Sigh.
The pic is wonderful, that's totally a keeper! Here's hoping for more blue skies ahead!

flutter said...

that? cutest. armpit. ever.

Myshka said...

yeah, seems sometimes old habits die hard- but MAN do you try and kick those habits' asses, so you're doing much better than most!

Amy Y said...

We all get bent out of shape over things we can't control... that's just how we do it. Don't beat yourself up over it!
But I'm glad you found your salvation :)

ReneƩ Leigh Stephenson said...

love this post...although maybe that's kinda weird. but i feel like this all the time; focusing on the crap and not the awesome. you are not alone my friend.

ree said...

I can't imagine you morose and pissy. You always find the light though my dear...

Heather said...

I hate when people try to bring me down like that...because it usually works. I need to take more photos like that.

Anonymous said...

Hitting the nail on the head! Thanks for the reminder! Lovely cloud and blue sky!

Janet said...

Mean girls suck. Blue skies inspire. Keep your chin up, A. I think you rock.

Crystal D said...

Lovin the sleepy picture. Hard to stay pissy when you have that bed to crawl back into. :)