Wednesday, July 29, 2009


You hear about it all the time, people's blogs being found out. A family member, a co-worker, a friend. I'd never really considered what I might do, and really, I imagined that it was unlikely to happen to me.

Enter frosty stares, chilly glares and angry mares (self-indulgent rhyming seems appropriate in a post addressing people being mad at me for what I write.)

I don't quite know how to handle it— do I apologize? defend myself? justify? carry on as if nothing has happened?

I'm really not sure.

I feel fairly grounded in my right to write about my experiences, but I can cop to crossing a line. (Abba-dabba-doodler, you were heard, considered, and I hope honored.) I really don't want to strike this blog and begin anew without names and using veiled locations etcetera.

I think perhaps what may be more appropriate is to understand that people are going to think what they are going to think. If I write it I need to have stones enough to handle it when they stare and point or look askance at me and my family.

I think I've addressed the offending posts, not that this particular person would admit to being here reading and judging, spreading her take. I know she's here. I know how she feels. I don't begrudge her those feelings.

I am, however, not going to stop being who I am or carry the burden of her ire. I am sorry if she felt slighted by what I considered to be a true account of my experience. I won't write about it again.

I am getting back to what is most important, which is what I can participate in and contribute to— my family, my home, and my community.

Here's to peace, even if it is just promising to not be rude. I can do it, can you?

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S said...

I'm sorry about this misunderstanding.

You CAN do it.


Cristie said...

Please don't stop doing it. Thanks for putting up with the other stuff, to continue to share yourself-real,true,honest self- with others. We need you.

HaB said...

*scratches head*

I must have missed something. But, that is neither here nor there.

My only thought as I was reading this, and hopefully, you don't think that I am speaking out of turn, but, my philosophy on my main blog and the blog I co-author with my sister is: Never write anything you would never have the guts to say to someone's face. And when in doubt, wait 24 hours.

I hope it works out for you - no matter what is going on. IT would be a shame for you not to continue.

Heather said...

All the stuff you write is so beautiful and poetic I can't imagine what could have offended someone. Keep on keepin' on Amanda. This space is yours and it's a beautiful place.

Ree said...

Seriously? I'm at a loss.

Lara said...

I would definitely be upset if you just up and went to a new blog with changed names, etc. I would miss you terribly, because I desperately need your support in this online world. Wow, that seems way needy of me, huh? But it's TRUE! I love you too much. Do what you need to do, and misunderstandings will work out for the best in the end. Good luck...

flutter said...

you also have every right to speak your piece

Amy Y said...

This will always be your space... no matter who stumbles across it. And though there are always two sides to every story, you always have a right to share yours in your space!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm, I'm reviewing your posts in my reader- so as not to miss any offending ones. Nope- I see a mild complaint that your posts are too perky, I see lots of blessings, I see lots of personal stories eloquently and poignantly spun, I see sweetness and self deprecating humor. I don't see offensive. I think- since I can't really see you that way- people who read just need to have a grown up conversation with you and that will help. Otherwise, it's sad they are mad but this is your blog. It's pretty baffling though I have to say!

Adesta said...

Glad you decided to keep on writing. I enjoy your blog. I'm not sure what was termed offensive, but I haven't found one of your posts yet that I haven't liked.

Robin said...

You have one of the most honest, beautiful voices/blogs out there. I love to read about you & your girls and I can't imagine what you wrote that could be seen as offensive. I am thrilled you will keep writing. Also, thanks for your comment on my blog - yes, I Love Picasa!!

trampoline design said...

Some people are just miserable. Some are looking for a fight. Perhaps that's why there's been so much back and forth, if you catch my drift. And I know you do.

Yo-yo Mama said...

I had my blog discovered by someone I didn't care for. It sucks.

BUT! Your opinion is just that: yours. As such, your blog gets to be the place where you state those opinions. If one or two people seem to be offended by that, they can get their own blog and call it I Don't Agree With Amanda (or whatever the problem is).

I'll admit that I did censor myself quite a bit when I realized my stalker (yes, truly - "stalker), but it kept me honest. I couldn't blog about how fabulous my hair was or how big my house was or how incredibly sexy and handsome my husband was b/c she'd cry "bullsh*t!". (My hair IS fabulous, BTW.)

Anonymous said...

I definitely think you should be who you are. I figure, if someone finds out about me, I don't plan to STOP. My blog is there for me...because I need it. I think you should stick with it - don't change for someone else!

Lisa said...

you. are. awesome. Period. The writing here has more heart & love than most anything else I've read. You are true to you, to Sean, and to your daughters. You owe nothing more to anyone.

Holly said...

Huh, that must have been awkward. Don't know what I would have done. But you have to be yourself.

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

My heart stopped at the idea of you ending this blog. Don't you dare! Too many of us would just be heartbroken.