Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Curious Milestone

And by curious, I suppose I really mean maddening. Briar has decided that she would like to stay at the sitter's. All day. As a matter of fact today she let me know that she needs to stay there, "for the nighttime too," it was either that or she sucker punched me with a fist formed from shards of glass.

I am taking it day-by-day, chuckling and rolling my eyes, but the truth, the honest, I-don't-floss-and-sometimes-I-skip-to-the-last-page-of-the-book truth is, it is killing me.

I am not ashamed to say I want to be her favorite for all time. It's like a first crush all over again. Sigh.

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S said...

I know, I know.

But think of it this way: it's wonderful that she is secure enough to attach to someone besides you and her dad.

Pgoodness said...

What slouching mom said. Even when P only wanted his daddy and it allowed me sleep? I was willing to give up the sleep to go back to being favorite.

Anonymous said...

i also agree with slouching mom...look at it this get a bit of a break. remember, it won't be forever, so take advantage while you can. you know she will always come back to're her mommy!

Janet said...

With my first two, it was always Mommy Love. The baby is Daddy's girl. I'm happy for him but, ouch, with a capital "O." You know?

Yes, you do.

flutter said...

I love you, does that help?

Crystal D said...

Just count your lucky stars that you found someone for her to spend her time with that she LOVES so much.
That is a blessing.
A sucker punching blessing.

Danielle said...

And that, my dear friend, is the painful irony of motherhood. We have them, love them, and raise them with the sole purpose of helping them move away from us into independent people. I feel your heartache. My own told me I was a, "jerk," yesterday. And although I knew she didn't entirely know what she was saying, the stab wound hurt all the same.

Just remember that when it comes down to it, YOU are her touchstone. She will always come back to you when it counts....even if she drifts in the time in between.

Big hugs and hang in there. Oh, and give the belly a rub...just for smiles.

Victoria said...

ooh, that's rough! Sorry to hear it. But like the other commenters have mentioned, it is good that she's secure enough in your relationship to be able to attach to another.

Anonymous said...

It is wonderful that she feels so safe there ... but still ouch! Hope it swings in your favour soon!

Christine said...


id feel the exact same way.

Angela said...

I am so very sorry. Even though you know she loves you deeply, I know it hurts. I agree with the other commenters, that is wonderful that Briar's caregiver is such a wonderful person to inspire so much adoration. You know you are an amazing mother, you will never be replaced.

Momma Bean said...

Aw, does that really happen?? If it does, I don't want to experience it for a long time. I'd feel the same way.

TheButterfly2 said...

Aw. A while back I was telling a mom at a mom's group how I was so tired of my daughter being SO clingy. How she never wanted to be more than two feet away from me and how I found it impossible to get anything done. She told me her daughter was the same way and then she said something that really stuck with me. She said "Sometimes I get so tired of it too but then I think about it and one day I know she'll say she hates me....TOday I'm her favourite person in the entire world."

You put it all in perspective for me again. Even though it can be sickening to have your child want ONLY only lasts for a little while.

Gina said...

Oh I understand that story too well. You are so cute with your skipping-to-the-end-of-a-book honesty!