Looking at this dress hanging on a rack (no offense Debbie) is an assault on the senses. So many layers of garish pink man made fabrics with sparkles and jewels and metallic threading. The crown is a chintzy kind of gold thing and there is a Barbie medallion front and center on the bodice of the dress.
But dear lord, put this dress on Briar and you better stand back. Some sort of combustion occurs and the dress and Briar become irresistible.
She looks edible. This picture makes me feel as if I am standing in an upscale bakery, a display case in front of me filled with the most over the top, buttery, sugar creme cookies imaginable, each prettier and more tempting than the last. I seriously feel that I might die if I don't get to devour each and every one.
She makes me want a princess dress and tiara of my own.

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