Friday, June 02, 2006

Still My Briar

I am looking forward to sitting down and writing a couple of long entries.
Until I can do that forgive me for the brief posts.

Briar is...well, she is still my first. The magic of her birth, the pregnancy and all of our amazing firsts hover around her. I watch her as I nurse Avery and she tears around the house, jumps on the sofa beside me, then dashes off to inspect a toy or kiss the characters in the pages of a book. I tear up as I remember holding her while she nursed, then the image before me blurs and I see her running out the front door at 14 to go to a track meet or to meet a friend. Then the daydream is broken as Briar comes over to kiss Avery and make me kiss Elmo or one of her little bunnies from Deb Fehr. I find myself falling in love with Briar all over again. She has made us both so incredibly proud as she has adjusted to Avery's arrival.

She definitely demonstrated an appropriate amount of, "Ok, 'nuff of that. Get that thing off your lap and out of the house, I want the spotlight back." But since determining that Avery was here to stay, she has slipped into the role of doting big sister (with enough imp to be real- ie "patting" the baby with her Barbie)

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