Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Sorry 'bout the absence. We Magees have had a crazy January.

Work and sickness.
Work causing sickness.
Sick of working.

Briar continues to be the greatest thing I (and we) have ever done. She is pure joy and challenge, but good challenge, you know? She challenges us to be the best people we can be, to make the most of every minute, to let the BS slide and focus on what's important. Thank you to every higher power that played a part in letting us have her.

My grandfather is gravely ill. Hospice has been brought in and every effort is being made to ensure the highest quality of life in the time that remains. My mom is with him doing a valiant job at the hardest thing a human being can face, second only to the loss of a child, helping a parent to die, or as she puts it, helping him live every day.

I cannot imagine a world without Davie, so I am choosing not to.

I am holding onto the images of him taking his cane and walking regally
from our porch to the corner and back, and sitting holding his first great grandchild.

I spoke with him last night and he sounded ok.
A little confused, but determined and able to see things for which to be thankful.

As we were about to hang up the Davie of my childhood,
the gravelly, engaging voice, the perfect diction,
and elegant phrasing shot through the line as he said,
"I still hope that spring will bring a visit with Briar Davie."

Indomitable spirit, unparalleled ability to appreciate,
and a knack for spreading enthusiasm for even the most ordinary things.

I am so honored to be a part of the Davie legacy.

Having introduced B. Davie and Briar Davie has been one of the greatest joys of my life.

Me thinks a bit of his zest for life has been passed on to his great granddaughter, Here's looking at you BD!

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