Wednesday, January 18, 2006

The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow

Ok, ok, ok.

Yesterday's entry elicited an email from my sister, who, by her own admission is "flaky" about communication. God bless her vegan little heart she swiftly wrote to remind me that despite not always writing, she is always there for me.

Come on, all together now: Awwww!

I am a lucky sister.

And a lucky wife and mother.

Today, despite being truly heinous out, has been a glorious day from the moment I woke up.

I indeed did a bit of cleaning last night, as well as preparing dinner quickly and efficiently while Briar played, allowing for relaxed family time before Briar had to go to bed. Briar was actually very helpful during dinner prep. She LOVES tomatos (that did not come from me) so she did a lot of sampling as I assembled the fixin's for our salad. She seemed to think I should add bananas, but I was able to explain that we weren't going with a tropical theme, maybe another time. She also made sure I knew where the kitten and Ella were at all times. All in all a pretty good time was had in the kitchen at 118.

I packed an incredible lunch for Sean to take to work today. I don't know about anyone else, but actually having lunch made or the coffee pot set for the next day before you go to bed is such an awesome feeling. You feel like you got a jump start on the day.

Sean took the kitten to the vet and found out why he had little bumps on his face. Poor little thing has athlete's foot...on his face. Ugh, the indignity. So, now we have some stuff for Sean to put on him to help him kick it!

Nana Jan sent some adorable pictures of Briar from their playdate on Sunday. I'll load them up tonight. I tried last night but Blogger was not able to load pictures for some reason.

This weekend we are helping out with a friend's upcoming shop opening. Then Sunday we do another open house and then hopefully have our friends Keith and Kathy, from the coffee shop over for snacks and laughs.

This was a pretty prosaic post, but it's a step up from yesterday. Inching my way back to my sassy, self-deprecating self.

Big hugs to my sister and Anna.


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