Sunday, December 11, 2005

Life with Briar

Being with Briar is always special.
In the morning it's her appetite for life. She is genuinely excited to be awake, to kiss us, to laugh, to eat breakfast, to go downstairs and see her things.

At night it's how grateful we all are to be together, or the discovery of something new. A book she hadn't seen before because she hadn't been able to reach, climbing into a toy box to play or read a book, a new food at dinner.

My lunches with Briar are still so magical. She is excited every day when I arrive. She literally squeals and runds to me. Sometimes we nurse, other times we just play and read.

The first group of pictures were taken one morning. Sean had gone into work at about 6am. Briar and I were on our own, but she did not want to wake up. I finally lifted her out of her crib at 7:45 so we'd have enough time to get her fed and dressed. Her little face so was puffy and she was so groggy. Happy groggy.

Through her waking up fog she still managed to run around.

A mouth full of clementine.

Popped in a Baby Einstein dvd about animals on the farm. She LOVES these dvds and is particularly taken with a cow puppet.

She watched so intently. I tried to set her up with a chair, but she prefers to be within arm's reach of the screen.

Despite being totally engrossed in t he dvd, she flipped through the book, "Running In Heels" through the whole thing.

See the adorably puffy little eyes. She had a personality to match. When she was on the couch eating bits of clementines she kept falling over on her side and giggling.

This is from the day we decorated the tree. I need a little cuddle and nibble break. She happily obliged.

This just looks kind of neat. Our life with Briar gets blurry sometimes we move so fast.

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