Thursday, September 22, 2005

First Day of Autumn

Our week without a sitter continues. It would be one thing if I could really stay home or if Sean could really do design work with her at the office. It's a struggle. She is, as she has always been, an angel. But she's one. She needs things. She needs attention and stimulation and most of all supervision. They ain't kidding when they say babies put everything in their mouths. She survived a rock, but I don't want to push it.

Sean had her at work this morning. It lasted a total of two hours, interrupted by a coffee break and he took her home. I took her for lunch and then left my car at home and walked her back to work in the stroller. She hung out at my office for a while, though I was very sensitive to pushing it with my boss, considering I took Monday, Wednesday and tomorrow as sick days to watch her. I have exhausted my vacation and have precious few sick days left, must be cautious. I took deposits to the banks and then met up with Sean. He has Briar now and I will take her home with me at 5 so he can work on through to the wee hours.

I certainly love my time with her. She just gets so much more authentically Briar with each day. More engaging, more communicative, more daring. It's awesome.

Sean and she are developing an awesome relationship, not that they haven't had one, it's just getting so you can see the bond more clearly.
She reaches for him, calls out to him, goes to him and melts into him.
C'mon, who wouldn't? The guy is totally melt-into-able.

So, despite my silence here on the blog, life with Briar is great. I will try to do some posting this weekend, more pics, more words.

Next week I may have an awesome pic to post. We'll see.

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